Sunday, August 30, 2009

The red tricycle and the "Indian Princess"

One of my favorite things to do was to ride on my "trike". It was red and I would zoom up and down the sidewalk in front of my house. I could only ride as far as the fire station and then back down to the end of the sidewalk, always in sight of my house. Sometimes I would stand on the back where there was a ridged platform, hold onto the handlebars and then push off like a scooter. I could ride forever. Forever was the length of four front yards. Daddy had a bicycle and at some point the tricycle became a symbol of a little kid and that bicycle was all I coveted. I begged and pleaded for a bicycle but to no avail. Then one day the answer came to me. I took my trike and rode it as fast as I could and smashed it into this big tree that grew out of the sidewalk. There, now they would have to buy me a bicycle. Well, they didn't. They were going to teach me a lesson. I got on my roller skates and went zooming up and down the sidewalk. The tricycle was history and I had moved on. Tricycles were for little kids. It was a long time before I got a real bicycle, an Indian Princess.

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